Use Cases

Analyzing and interpreting spatial information.

Rapid Assessment of the Yale Framework and Adaptation Blueprint for the North America Pacific Coastal Rainforest

Geos Institute and the Yale Mapping Framework

See the full project analysis...

For the Pacific Coastal Rainforests, the framework helped identify where terrestrial rainforest ecosystems can be successfully maintained for resilience and resistance to climate change due to microsite features (microrefugia). Other areas, while still important, might be more successfully managed for transition to a different ecological state as emphasized in the framework. The spatially explicit nature of this study allowed us to identify intact areas to conserve, fragmented ones to restore, private lands to prioritize for conservation, and...

Framework focus Protect current patterns of biodiversity Protect future patterns of biodiversity Maintain ecological functions and processes Maintain and restore ecological connectivity Protect climate refugia Protect the ecological state Click to find online appendix for: Climate change may trigger broad shifts in North America’s Pacific coastal rainforests